

Ortopédiai Manuál terápia


Az ortopédiai manuálterápia célja a mozgásszervi fájdalmak csökkentése és az ízületek mozgékonyságának javítása különböző manuális technikák alkalmazásával.

Ennek a szolgáltatásnak az ára

30 000 Ft

Oktogon Medical Center

Várjuk gyógyulni vágyó pácienseinket Budapest szívében. Több évtizedes szakmai múlttal, nemzetközi tapasztalattal rendelkező orvos csapatunk várja Önöket. Gasztroenterológia a diszkréció és kényelem jegyében. Minden igényt kielégítő gasztroenterológia szakrendelésünk várja leendő pácienseit! Altatásos beavatkozást követően pácienseink megfelelő, biztonságos környezetben tudnak lábadozni. Modern, teljeskörűen felszerelt kardiológia várja pácienseink. Kardiológia szakrendelésünk modern, minden szakmai igényt kielégítő orvosi diagnosztikai eszközzel rendelkezik, legyen az terheléses- vagy nyugalmi- EKG, ABPM holter, vagy ultrahangos vizsgálat. Mottónk is lehetne „Ép testben ép lélek”.Az Oktogon Medical Center igyekszik harmóniában lenni a testtel és lélekkel egyaránt, ezért fontos, hogy a környezet megnyugtató és biztonságos legyen. Intézményünk minőségbiztosítási protokolja szerint csak jól edukált, kiemelkedő szakmai tudással rendelkező orvosokkal várja pácienseit.

1062 Budapest, Andrássy út 46. 1. em 9/a

James Collett
Great facility. Very fancy. Unfortunately I was quoted 35 k for the consultation to remove 5 stitches, I asked for this in English and am very clearly not Hungarian from my accent. After removing the stiches very well and with a lot of care I left and suddenly the price was 50k. I asked why and the response was because "it was an English consultation" I don't understand why this wasn't said in the first place as I am very clearly english and would have gone to a different medical clinic if I knew. I don't recommend this medical clinic to foreigners.
Tatiana Barbova
This is the Synlab blood draw point review. Besides total lack of privacy already mentioned in the other reviews (because of how tiny the place is), your service will SOLELY depend on the mood of the person who is taking your blood. Back in September, the lady who served me was very nice and professional. Now that I went, there was another woman, and when I had to pay, I had to confirm the bank transaction on my phone, but there was no signal inside the lab room. I went out for 20 seconds to catch some signal, and when I came back, the woman went like "These young people... they cannot even pay these days". I do not care if this was meant as a joke, this was really rude and unprofessional! I came here to GIVE MY MONEY not to be treated like this! Not to mention that the blood pick up performed by her was extremely painful, even though normally it is painless for me. P.S. the whole communication happened in hungarian, I am afraid to think how she talks to english speaking patients... Do yourself a favor, find another place to do your lab tests.
In the moment of payment they charged more although the appointment was booked for one price and examination. The doctor Szilvia still put a higher price than the one stablished for the appointment. Super unprofessional!
Yeva Hryhorova
We got an appointment here to check the moles with a dermatoscope. We had to wait for 30 minutes to get in, and the person who was accompanying me was asked to come with me specifically because the doctor doesn't speak English( by the way, it was mentioned on the website that the doctor does speak English, which is not true), so that person had to cancel his plans for me to get a check. During the check, the doctor saw a very big mole that did have symptoms of melanoma (was big, of irregular shape, pigmented), and roughly told us that it's 50% that it's skin cancer. I started to cry right at the room, but the doctor had zero compassion, she and her assistant just totally ignored it. Plus, the doctor didn't ask whether that mole was itching, bleeding, growing rapidly (and it wasn't) which could give more information on whether the mole could be malignant. We went out totally devastated and afraid, because it's not how such information should be given. Only after we calmed down we managed to analyze the situation and realized that a lot of things were wrong about this appointment. Furthermore, when this mole was identified, the doctor didn't even check the moles on my legs and face, and I had to ask for it specifically. As for that mole, the urgent removal was prescribed. We were also offered right away to remove it there, and we even got an appointment in 2 working days. But after we read the reviews and analyzed everything, we canceled the appointment. We did remove the mole, in a different place, and it wasn't malignant as the citology showed, but this experience we will definitely never forget, in a bad way.
Jaymee O Connell
Really really helpful, also had great English and went above and beyond to help today!
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